Report a Crime
Note: if this crime is happening now, if weapons are being displayed, or if someone is being injured/has been injured, CALL 911 now. This report is only to be used for minor incidents where there is no suspect information and the value of items stolen is less than $1,000 or the value of property damaged is less than $1,000.
This is to be used only for crimes that take place within the city limits of Quincy, Illinois. Crimes that take place outside of Quincy, Illinois should be referred to the appropriate agency.
This report will be reviewed the next business day (Monday – Friday 8 am - 4 pm) after it is submitted. Once received and reviewed, you will be contacted with a case file number for the report. We will also contact you for any follow-up questions that we have. Please feel free to submit pictures of any damage on the contact form below or via email to [email protected]. Include your name, address, and date in the email.