Quincy Auxiliary Police

The department’s Auxiliary Police unit is tasked with protecting the public during parades, runs, and other special events such as 4th of July celebrations and the K of C BBQ. Auxiliary Police Officers also assist QPD with other traffic control assignments, vacation checks, extra patrols, issuing NOVs, and assisting with some QPD training. 

Auxiliary Police Officers must meet the following requirements

  • United States Citizen

  • High School graduate or equivalent

  • Not less than 18 years old

  • Must be trustworthy, mature, emotionally stable and dedicated

  • All applicants must pass ( i ) an initial criminal history check/violations check and approval by Q.P.D; (ii) acceptance of application by the Q.A.P.D. membership committee; (iii) pass an oral interview; and (iv) vote of approval by membership of the unit. An application may be refused or not accepted with or without cause by either the Quincy Police department or the “Unit.”

  • A Q.A.P.D. probationary officer must successfully pass all training provided and be recommended by the Commander and the Q.P.D. Liaison Officer, approved by the Chief of Police and appointed by the mayor of Quincy before becoming a Quincy Auxiliary Police Officer.

  • All Q.A.P.D. officers MUST possess a valid driver’s license.

Auxiliary Officers

Auxiliary Officers will receive training in many aspects of the law enforcement field such as traffic direction and control, use of force, ethics, operating a police squad car, and use of police radio equipment.  We have guest speakers from different areas of law enforcement such as police K9, West Central Illinois Task Force Investigators, and Crime Scene Investigators. They will also have an opportunity to receive training in the use of firearms and participate in the ride-along program with a QPD Officer. 

If you are interested in becoming an Auxiliary Police Officer, contact Sergeant Adam Gibson at the Quincy Police Department 217-228-4470.