Sex Offender / Murderer / Violent Offender Against Youth Registration
In accordance with Illinois Compiled Statutes, the Quincy Police Department is tasked with registering individuals residing within the city limits and who have been convicted of specific sex crimes, murder, and violent crimes against youth.
The Quincy Police Department updates this information regularly in an effort to assure that the information on the Registry is complete and accurate. However, the information contained on the Registry can change quickly and frequently, so the current residence, status or other information regarding an offender may not be accurate or up to date.
If you believe that any of the information found in the registry is inaccurate or that an offender is in violation, please contact the Quincy Police Department Registration Supervisor at 217-228-4496 or the on duty Watch Commander 217-228-4475.
Additional information and frequently asked questions can be found on the Illinois State Police Website.
Offender Watch Community Awareness Program
The Quincy Police Department is pleased to partner with Offender Watch to provide our citizens with the most accurate and timely sex offender information available.
By visiting the Offender Watch web page, citizens can:
Search for sex offenders in their neighborhood
Register for email notifications
Access safety tips for their family
With Offender Watch, citizens have the tools available at their fingertips to help keep their families safe from sex offenders.